Minimum 12 months, typically, 48 months duration.
Minimum 20% recorded off the job training.
Achievement of english and maths level 2.
Completion of portfolio of evidence mapped against the standards KSB.

Complete training as required in the standard.
Employer satisfied that the apprentice is consistently working at or above the required level of occupational competence.
Level 2 in english and maths achieved.
Reflective portfolio available for EPAO containing production evidence.
Employer, training provider and EPOA agree EPA process.

Employer to confirm 2 welding processes and 4 material groups for skills test.
Employer to supply WPS's for test pieces identified.
Maximum 9 hour observed practical skills test over 2 days.
Oral questioning relating to production activities to take place during the skills test.
Oral questioning to assess the required behaviours.

Conducted under exam conditions.
Based on the curriculum set out by the international institute of welding.
30 multiple choice knowledge questions.
All knowledge tests must achieve a minimum of 60%.

Assessed during professional discussion.
60-minute professional discussion.
Questions to cover the following subjects:
Health, safety& environment
Quality, quality system, defects, identification, and avoidance
Materials & properties
Welding processes, parameters & controls.
Professional integrity, collaboration, and personal & organisational development.
Documentary evidence from the apprentice's progress throughout the programme can be used to support the professional discussion.

Skills, knowledge test and professional discussion must be passed to achieve EPA.
Final grade awarded:
Results released following internal quality assurance.
Certification applied for from the ESFA and forwarded to the employer.